My Favorite Word

Words matter. Change your words, change your world. A few years ago, I was in a leadership transformation program, and the power of words came up as a learning point. It’s not just the words we say to others. The most important words are the ones we say to ourselves. My favorite word is “yet.”

We all have dreams. You may not have opened your food truck restaurant - yet. You may not have run a 5k - yet. You may not be an author - yet. I truly believe every single one of these goals is possible for you.

“Yet” brings back the dream. It combines today’s reality with tomorrow’s promise. You still have the dream, and yet there is work to do. Consistent belief and vision will get you there. “Yet” provides the power of hope and encouragement to keep going.

I wrote “The Mastectomy I Always Wanted” over several years. Some days, I only had a few minutes to work on it. But that’s how books are written: one sentence at a time.

I wanted to help women facing a mastectomy and be an author. In the beginning, I hadn’t done those things - yet. I had to push past the obstacles, doubt, and procrastination. With a combination of grit and hope, it became a reality.

So, maybe you haven’t reached your goal - yet. Micro progress is still progress! What can you do in five minutes today to get one step closer?

Erica Campbell

Erica Neubert Campbell is a writer and longtime cancer advocate who speaks the “language of cancer” from multiple perspectives. Erica is a breast cancer survivor who lost her mom to the same disease. She is the leader of the Pinky Swear Foundation, which supports kids with cancer and their families. And she spent nearly three decades volunteering at Camp Fantastic, a summer camp for children with cancer.

Erica is the founder of the Laundry Knob Society blog, where she shares honest writing about life’s struggles. In her debut memoir, The Mastectomy I Always Wanted, Erica creates vulnerable and trusting spaces as a way to create a community of support.

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The F word