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How were you diagnosed?

How did you choose a mastectomy, lumpectomy, or other option? If mastectomy, what reconstruction did you choose, if any?

What other treatment did you choose?

What key milestones or memories hold the most significance?

What advice do you have for other women?

What is the silver lining in your journey, if any?

Summarize your journey in three words!

What else do you want to add?

Erica Campbell

Erica Neubert Campbell is a writer and longtime cancer advocate who speaks the “language of cancer” from multiple perspectives. Erica is a breast cancer survivor who lost her mom to the same disease. She is the leader of the Pinky Swear Foundation, which supports kids with cancer and their families. And she spent nearly three decades volunteering at Camp Fantastic, a summer camp for children with cancer.

Erica is the founder of the Laundry Knob Society blog, where she shares honest writing about life’s struggles. In her debut memoir, The Mastectomy I Always Wanted, Erica creates vulnerable and trusting spaces as a way to create a community of support.

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